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Tuesday, April 15

2:45pm EDT

Level-Up Source Evaluation: Co-create a Choose-Your-Own Adventure Game
Tuesday April 15, 2025 2:45pm - 4:00pm EDT
Do you feel like something is missing when you try and cover source evaluation in one-shot library instruction sessions? This topic can feel high-stakes, and the nuance involved isn't easy to capture in 50 minutes. In this make/hack/play session, you will engage in a collaborative and fun process to outline a choose-your-own-adventure source evaluation game.
avatar for Tony Pepper

Tony Pepper

McConnell Library
Former Teen Librarian in the public library system. One year into Instruction/First Year Experience Librarian. New to academia and channeling that into fun programs and outreaches for students new to college.
avatar for Barbara Tait

Barbara Tait

Instruction Librarian, Radford Univesity
Tuesday April 15, 2025 2:45pm - 4:00pm EDT
Cattails E
Thursday, April 17

9:00am EDT

An Interactive Game to Reimagine Scholarly Communications
Thursday April 17, 2025 9:00am - 10:15am EDT
This interactive session will be organized as a board game (in the style of the Game of Life), shaking players out of the barrier mindset to explore how a radical rethinking of the scholarly communications landscape would advance the educational and stewardship missions of academic libraries while better serving university communities.
avatar for Jennifer Townes

Jennifer Townes

Open Access Librarian, Emory University
Jenny Townes joined the Emory University Libraries Scholarly Communications Office in May 2022 as the Open Access Librarian. In this capacity Jenny leads open access outreach and advocacy, specifically focused on two of the university’s open access repositories: OpenEmory and E... Read More →
avatar for John Morgenstern

John Morgenstern

Copyright and Scholarly Communications Librarian, Emory University
As the Copyright and Scholarly Communications Librarian, John Morgenstern is the primary resource within Emory Libraries for copyright education and consultation with a secondary focus on scholarly communications topics such as the publishing process, publishing contracts, and open... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 9:00am - 10:15am EDT
Cattails A

1:30pm EDT

Connecting through Gaming: Fostering Collaborations among Librarians through Bingo!
Thursday April 17, 2025 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
In this hands-on session, participants will work together to design a collaborative, team-building library bingo game that can be modified to suit the needs of an individual library or department within the library. Session participants will walk away with customizable templates, instructions, and experience creating a low-cost, reusable game.
avatar for Alejandra Mendez

Alejandra Mendez

Coordinator of Library Services, Lowell Campus, Middlesex Community College
I am an academic librarian, and education researcher. My areas of interest are information literacy education, information and algorithmic bias, critical curriculum theory, and video game scholarship.

Kim Money Priddy

Systems and Electronic Resources Librarian, Middlesex Community College
Thursday April 17, 2025 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
Cattails C

2:45pm EDT

The Makerspace Rainbow Librarian
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:45pm - 3:45pm EDT
In a makerspace, librarians engage with a wide array of users, including readers, authors, explorers, scientists, and designers. What requirements arise from makerspaces that foster diverse creativity, utilize various tools, and adapt to ever-evolving technology? Is the creation of a lively, colorful makerspace an artistic endeavor, a skill, or something one is born with? Do we have librarians who represent this vibrant makerspace spectrum?
avatar for Stephen Ario

Stephen Ario

Librarian, USIU-Africa
I am a teacher-librarian, specialized in cataloguing, User services, information literacy and computer studies.I am a very sociable person, team player and an adventurer.
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:45pm - 3:45pm EDT
Cattails F
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